Hey experts! I need some help here. I have a query that asks for the following:
---Between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date]---
after these dialog boxes are filled out, a report generates which is exactly what I want. However, to be a little more fancy, I would like a header on the report to say:
Effective (Start Date Here) - (End Date Here)
How do I pull those 2 dates from the query dialog boxes? These dates can range from 1 month to 2 years....
---Between [Enter Start Date] and [Enter End Date]---
after these dialog boxes are filled out, a report generates which is exactly what I want. However, to be a little more fancy, I would like a header on the report to say:
Effective (Start Date Here) - (End Date Here)
How do I pull those 2 dates from the query dialog boxes? These dates can range from 1 month to 2 years....