I have this code which gets data from a form and puts it in a select box.
On the next line"at the bottom of this code" i have a text field which i would like to give a value of whatever the select box has in it eg:Select box ="Something" then text box will disply "something"
Any help would be great.
dim objRS
set objrs=objconn.execute("select * from categories"
if objrs.eof then
end if
do while not objrs.eof
'if just added make selected
if request.querystring("cat" = objrs("category" then
response.write "<option selected value='" & objrs(0) & "'>" & objrs("category"
response.write "<option value='" & objrs(0) & "'>" & objrs("category"
end if
set objrs = nothing
set objconn = nothing
'added category notice
if len(request.querystring("cat") > 0 then
Response.write "<font color='" & actioncolor & "'>Movie added</font>"
end if
'added link notice
if request.querystring("added" = "link" then
Response.write "<font color='" & actioncolor & "'>Review Added</font>"
end if
<td><input type="text" input size="50" name="Title" value="<%=Catergory%>"></td>
On the next line"at the bottom of this code" i have a text field which i would like to give a value of whatever the select box has in it eg:Select box ="Something" then text box will disply "something"
Any help would be great.
dim objRS
set objrs=objconn.execute("select * from categories"
if objrs.eof then
end if
do while not objrs.eof
'if just added make selected
if request.querystring("cat" = objrs("category" then
response.write "<option selected value='" & objrs(0) & "'>" & objrs("category"
response.write "<option value='" & objrs(0) & "'>" & objrs("category"
end if
set objrs = nothing
set objconn = nothing
'added category notice
if len(request.querystring("cat") > 0 then
Response.write "<font color='" & actioncolor & "'>Movie added</font>"
end if
'added link notice
if request.querystring("added" = "link" then
Response.write "<font color='" & actioncolor & "'>Review Added</font>"
end if
<td><input type="text" input size="50" name="Title" value="<%=Catergory%>"></td>