Here's the long of it.
I need to send an e-mail notification to a physician when one of her patients is seen in the ER. I get a report at midnight that I parse into however many e-mails, while creating an email address in a separate corresponding however many one line files.
What I can't get my head around is how would I read that one line file which only contains an internal e-mail address (due to HIPAA constraints) into an awk script which would then use an smtp server to deliver the e-mail(s) to another internal smtp server for delivery. I'm doing it this way because I have various network constraints.
Filenames of the email addresses: emailaa, emailab, emailac, etc.
Filenames of the email content:emcontentaa, emcontentab, emcontentac, etc.
As an example: emailaa would contain
emcontent would contain an already formatted email message.
I need the program to read emailaa, convert it to a variable, then call an smtp program to send the formatted message to, then continue until all messages have been sent.
Any takers? - Thanks, Pat
I need to send an e-mail notification to a physician when one of her patients is seen in the ER. I get a report at midnight that I parse into however many e-mails, while creating an email address in a separate corresponding however many one line files.
What I can't get my head around is how would I read that one line file which only contains an internal e-mail address (due to HIPAA constraints) into an awk script which would then use an smtp server to deliver the e-mail(s) to another internal smtp server for delivery. I'm doing it this way because I have various network constraints.
Filenames of the email addresses: emailaa, emailab, emailac, etc.
Filenames of the email content:emcontentaa, emcontentab, emcontentac, etc.
As an example: emailaa would contain
emcontent would contain an already formatted email message.
I need the program to read emailaa, convert it to a variable, then call an smtp program to send the formatted message to, then continue until all messages have been sent.
Any takers? - Thanks, Pat