I have an AWK script within a unix script. Within the AWK script I wish to evaluate the value of a price column $5 based on the value in a rec type column $4 to try to determine if the price is equal to the minimum price for this call type.
I have an Oracle table that stores minimum prices for all rec types..
NNN 20
XXX 15
YYY 25
I thought the best way would be to have an associative array containing the rec type as the index and the min price as the value. I could then count the number of records that have the min price set.
I need to get the data from the oracle table into the Associate Array. I thought I could call an PL/SQL query like I could in the main body of the unix script however I was unable to call any SQL from within the AWK script, maybe I am missing something - is this possible?
So next I decided to pass in the data to the awk script via parameters in the form of two unix arrays. However I don't seem to be able to pass these arrays into AWK. I have copied the code below. If anyone has any ideas how I can get this Array into AWK ( any method) then I would be grateful.
#use pl/sql to get the min call prices for all call types
RETVAL=`sqlplus -s $DATABASE <<EOF
set serveroutput on feedback off
priceList VARCHAR2(255);
CURSOR getMinPrices IS
SELECT rec_type, min_price
FROM min_price;
FOR v_rec IN getMinPrices LOOP
priceList := priceList || ' ' || v_rec.rec_type || ',' || v_rec.min_price;
#note this returns data in format NNN,20 XXX,15 YYY,25 I then separate this data into two arrays since I don't
#think I can have associative arrays in unix shell.
#first array is for rec types and holds NNN,XXX,YYY as the values, it is called rec_arr
#second array is for min price and holds 20,15,25 and is called price_arr
#I then want to call nawk, passing in my two arrays where I can merge the arrays into an associative array for
nawk -F, -v ARR1="$rec_arr" -v ARR2="$price_arr" '
#run a loop here to merge arrays into associative array called
#arrMinPrice (rec type as the index and min price as the value)....
#count number of records that have a price matching the min price for their record type..
if (arrMinPrice[$4] == $5)
If anyone can help out I would be very grateful.
I have an AWK script within a unix script. Within the AWK script I wish to evaluate the value of a price column $5 based on the value in a rec type column $4 to try to determine if the price is equal to the minimum price for this call type.
I have an Oracle table that stores minimum prices for all rec types..
NNN 20
XXX 15
YYY 25
I thought the best way would be to have an associative array containing the rec type as the index and the min price as the value. I could then count the number of records that have the min price set.
I need to get the data from the oracle table into the Associate Array. I thought I could call an PL/SQL query like I could in the main body of the unix script however I was unable to call any SQL from within the AWK script, maybe I am missing something - is this possible?
So next I decided to pass in the data to the awk script via parameters in the form of two unix arrays. However I don't seem to be able to pass these arrays into AWK. I have copied the code below. If anyone has any ideas how I can get this Array into AWK ( any method) then I would be grateful.
#use pl/sql to get the min call prices for all call types
RETVAL=`sqlplus -s $DATABASE <<EOF
set serveroutput on feedback off
priceList VARCHAR2(255);
CURSOR getMinPrices IS
SELECT rec_type, min_price
FROM min_price;
FOR v_rec IN getMinPrices LOOP
priceList := priceList || ' ' || v_rec.rec_type || ',' || v_rec.min_price;
#note this returns data in format NNN,20 XXX,15 YYY,25 I then separate this data into two arrays since I don't
#think I can have associative arrays in unix shell.
#first array is for rec types and holds NNN,XXX,YYY as the values, it is called rec_arr
#second array is for min price and holds 20,15,25 and is called price_arr
#I then want to call nawk, passing in my two arrays where I can merge the arrays into an associative array for
nawk -F, -v ARR1="$rec_arr" -v ARR2="$price_arr" '
#run a loop here to merge arrays into associative array called
#arrMinPrice (rec type as the index and min price as the value)....
#count number of records that have a price matching the min price for their record type..
if (arrMinPrice[$4] == $5)
If anyone can help out I would be very grateful.