Here is my question...
I have to pass a multidimentional array with phone numbers and their descriptions from Outlook Contact info into custom .dll
This array is dynamic. I use ReDim statement when I know how many elements it will have.
This portion of code is written in VBScript. Then I have to pass this array to a .dll made in Visual Basic...
If I'm not mistaken .dll can accept only Variant.
What can I do?How to solve this?
Any help will be greatly appretiated. Have a great day!
Here is my question...
I have to pass a multidimentional array with phone numbers and their descriptions from Outlook Contact info into custom .dll
This array is dynamic. I use ReDim statement when I know how many elements it will have.
This portion of code is written in VBScript. Then I have to pass this array to a .dll made in Visual Basic...
If I'm not mistaken .dll can accept only Variant.
What can I do?How to solve this?
Any help will be greatly appretiated. Have a great day!