I am trying to create an EXE in VB to which one is able to pass a number of arguments. I tried to enter the variable list into the sub main procedure but VB doesn't except it. Does anybody has a solution of this?.<br>
Thanks in advance
use the "Command" word<br>
in the Load event of your VB app<br>
check what it is<br>
here is a sub I use for that purpose.<br>
'put his in your Form_load<br>
Public Sub Get_Comd_Lin()<br>
Comd = Command<br>
If Comd = "" Then ' If no command line.<br>
Msg = "There is currently no command-line string." & Chr$(10)<br>
Msg = Msg & "Must type in /E 140 /S 2 at least to make Run" & Chr$(10)<br>
Msg = Msg & "E=Your Extension S=Your Serial Port"<br>
Style = 0 'display OK button<br>
Title = "NO Command Line option" ' Define title.<br>
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)<br>
NoComdLine = True<br>
MousePointer = 0<br>
Exit Sub<br>
Else ' Put command line into message.<br>
Msg = "'" & Comd & "'"<br>
End If<br>
For a = 1 To Len(Comd)<br>
Got_Sl = InStr(a, Comd, "/"<br>
Got_A_Switch = Mid$(Comd, a + 1, 1)<br>
Debug.Print a, Got_A_Switch<br>
If UCase$(Got_A_Switch) = "S" Then<br>
SerialPort = Val(Mid(Comd, a + 3, 1))<br>
a = a + 4<br>
ElseIf UCase$(Got_A_Switch) = "T" Then<br>
TimerVal = Mid(Comd, a + 2, 6)<br>
Debug.Print TimerVal<br>
Exit For<br>
End If<br>
End Sub<br>
you can pass several parameters and parse them out.<br>
I use the Pipe symbol "¦" to separate parameters now but in this sub I used the slash "/".<br>
Hope this Helps<br>
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