I would like to pass two formula's(Period 1 From Date, Period 1 To Date) from the sub report to the main report then use these formulas in a running total to work out how many clients have been registered during the first period of the financial year. I've followed the article at the below url but when I run the report I am getting an error message 'A running total cannot refer to a print time formula'
Step 1 - Find out period 1 from date:
Create a running total called Period1F in the sub report
Field to summarize: PERIODS.DateFrom
Type of summary: Maximum
Evaluate: Use a formula
Step 2: Create a shared variable in the sub report:
Create a formula called P1FSub.
Shared DateVar myTotal := Date( {#Period1F})
Step 3: View the shared variable in the main report:
Create a formula called PF1Main
Shared DateVar myTotal;
Step 4: Repeat the above process to find out period 1 To date.
Step 4: Create a running total to view all clients registered in April
{Learners.DateStart}>= {@PF1Main} and {Learners.DateStart}<= {@PT1Main}
When I run the report I get the following error message:
A running total cannot refer to a print time formula
Details: @PF1Main
Any advice would be appreciated.
I would like to pass two formula's(Period 1 From Date, Period 1 To Date) from the sub report to the main report then use these formulas in a running total to work out how many clients have been registered during the first period of the financial year. I've followed the article at the below url but when I run the report I am getting an error message 'A running total cannot refer to a print time formula'
Step 1 - Find out period 1 from date:
Create a running total called Period1F in the sub report
Field to summarize: PERIODS.DateFrom
Type of summary: Maximum
Evaluate: Use a formula
Step 2: Create a shared variable in the sub report:
Create a formula called P1FSub.
Shared DateVar myTotal := Date( {#Period1F})
Step 3: View the shared variable in the main report:
Create a formula called PF1Main
Shared DateVar myTotal;
Step 4: Repeat the above process to find out period 1 To date.
Step 4: Create a running total to view all clients registered in April
{Learners.DateStart}>= {@PF1Main} and {Learners.DateStart}<= {@PT1Main}
When I run the report I get the following error message:
A running total cannot refer to a print time formula
Details: @PF1Main
Any advice would be appreciated.