Hmmm. This is starting to really bug me so i am hoping someone will have come across it before and found a workaround or at least will be able to put my mind at ease and confirm that the wonderous Netscape 6 browser in all its standards compliant glory is as poor as i think!! Right thats the rant over thankyou for listening - just need to get it off my chest!
Im trying to pass a querystring to an iframe. The reasoning is that i need to know screen width inside an iframe but Javascript wont let me test for this as the iframe doesnt 'own' the window. So i thought OK ill get the screensize in the top level document and then pass it to the iframe using a querystring written with a javascript document.write.
sounds good yeah! all is well in IE and then i think ohh i better test in NS6 for that small proportion of disillusioned souls out there determined to make my life awkward - sorry i digress yet again - and disaster. absolutely nothing. It appears that netscape refuses to pass the querystring to the iframe. In fact even hard coded into the iframe src like this
it still doesnt get passed. Seems like NS6 just drops the querystring from the end of the url and doesnt pass to the server.
Anyone else experienced this or can think of another way top get the screenwidth into the iframe?
cheers for any ideas and sorry for the rant just had enough of cross browser compatability today!!
Im trying to pass a querystring to an iframe. The reasoning is that i need to know screen width inside an iframe but Javascript wont let me test for this as the iframe doesnt 'own' the window. So i thought OK ill get the screensize in the top level document and then pass it to the iframe using a querystring written with a javascript document.write.
sounds good yeah! all is well in IE and then i think ohh i better test in NS6 for that small proportion of disillusioned souls out there determined to make my life awkward - sorry i digress yet again - and disaster. absolutely nothing. It appears that netscape refuses to pass the querystring to the iframe. In fact even hard coded into the iframe src like this
<iframe src="mypage.asp?w=1000">
Anyone else experienced this or can think of another way top get the screenwidth into the iframe?
cheers for any ideas and sorry for the rant just had enough of cross browser compatability today!!