I am trying to pass a date to a Crystal 8.5 subreport from asp.net. When I run the page it asks for the date to be entered then runs fine. I cannot figure out how to pass the date so that the report runs without asking for input.
Can anyone help me!:-}
Here's some of the code.
I also tried to (hardcode) assigned
hdnDate.text to "Date(2002,11,11)"
and it didn't work
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim MyMonth As Integer
Dim cMyDay As Integer
Dim cMyYear As Integer
I am trying to pass a date to a Crystal 8.5 subreport from asp.net. When I run the page it asks for the date to be entered then runs fine. I cannot figure out how to pass the date so that the report runs without asking for input.
Can anyone help me!:-}
Here's some of the code.
I also tried to (hardcode) assigned
hdnDate.text to "Date(2002,11,11)"
and it didn't work
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim MyMonth As Integer
Dim cMyDay As Integer
Dim cMyYear As Integer
MyDate = server.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("THE_DATE") ' Assign a date.
MyMonth = Month(MyDate) ' MyMonth contains 2.
cMyYear = Right(Year(MyDate), 4)
hdnDate.Text = "DATE(" & cMyYear & "," & MyMonth & "," & cMyDay & ")"
hlCrystal.NavigateUrl = "date.rpt?User0=" & user & " &Password0=" & PW & "
&User0@Allow=" & user & "
&Password0@Allow=" & PW & "
&User0@Allow - 01=" & user & "
&Password0@Allow - 01=" & PW & "
&User0@Board=" & user & "
&Password0@Board=" & PW & "
&Prompt0=" & Value1 & "
&Prompt1=" & value2 & "
&Prompt2=" & hdnSel.Text & "
&Prompt3=" & randNum & "
&Prompt4=" & hdnDate.Text & "