I took the 70-2291 friday. Here are my scores as of today.
Passed 70-270 with a 900
Passed 70-290 with a 885
Passed 70-291 with a 940
Scheduled 70-293
Know DHCP, WSUS, DNS and Please..Please Hsve your simulation training down. I took the prometrics exam.
I had a sim on Mail Exchanger priority, Delegations, DNS scopes, and Fowarders.
Do not pray to have an easier life, pray to be a stronger man!!!
Comptia A+, Comptia Network +, MCP
Passed 70-270 with a 900
Passed 70-290 with a 885
Passed 70-291 with a 940
Scheduled 70-293
Know DHCP, WSUS, DNS and Please..Please Hsve your simulation training down. I took the prometrics exam.
I had a sim on Mail Exchanger priority, Delegations, DNS scopes, and Fowarders.
Do not pray to have an easier life, pray to be a stronger man!!!
Comptia A+, Comptia Network +, MCP