I can pass one array into a sub-program, but not two arrays. Can anybody here tell me what is wrong with the following code?
DECLARE SUB subroutine (a1(), a2() AS INTEGER)
DIM array1(0 TO 12) AS INTEGER
DIM array2(0 TO 3, 0 TO 4) AS INTEGER
subroutine array1(), array2()
SUB subroutine (a1(), a2() AS INTEGER) STATIC
´ does something with two arrays
DECLARE SUB subroutine (a1(), a2() AS INTEGER)
DIM array1(0 TO 12) AS INTEGER
DIM array2(0 TO 3, 0 TO 4) AS INTEGER
subroutine array1(), array2()
SUB subroutine (a1(), a2() AS INTEGER) STATIC
´ does something with two arrays