A table tblCompany is in a SQL server databaes. A view vwCompany is created as "select companyid, companyname from tblcompany order by companyname." A pass-through query in Access is created as "select * from vwCompany."
However, the pass-through query is sorted by the CompanyID, not CompanyName.
Could anyone help me figuring this out?
I can certainly create a query in Access to sort the pass-through query. But I think this is not the right way to do it since I want to leave the processing job on the server as much as possible.
Thanks in advance.
However, the pass-through query is sorted by the CompanyID, not CompanyName.
Could anyone help me figuring this out?
I can certainly create a query in Access to sort the pass-through query. But I think this is not the right way to do it since I want to leave the processing job on the server as much as possible.
Thanks in advance.