Example 1
I am calling Win32Api kernel32.dll function [red]WinExec[/red] in the return line
lparameters pcExeName, pcParameters, [red]pnWindowStat[/red]
* first parameter required, other - optional
if Parameters() < 2.5 .or. type("pnWindowStat" != "N" .or. empty(pnWindowStat)
pnWindowStat = 1 && see Win32Api function ShowWindow for values of pnWindowStat
local lcRunString
[red]m.lcRunString[/red] = '"'+ allt(m.pcExeName) + '"' + iif(parameters() > 1 , + " " + m.pcParameters , ""
[red]declare integer WinExec in kernel32 string lpCmdLine, integer uCmdShow[/red]
return [red]WinExec(m.lcRunString, m.pnWindowStat)[/red] > 31
Example 2
Here I'm call Win32Api advapi32.dll function [red]RegOpenKey[/red]
*procedure IsFileInReg
lparameters pcExeName
* returns fill path of EXE file taking it from Windows registry, or empty string
if empty(m.pcExeName) .or. type("m.pcExeName" != "C" .or. parameter() < 0.5
return ' '
m.pcExeName = justfname(m.pcExeName)
...more code
local lnErrorRes, phkResult, lpSubKey, lpValue, lpcbValue
#define [red]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE[/red] -2147483646 && bitset(0,31)+2
[red]phkResult[/red] = 0
[red]lpSubKey[/red] = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths'
[red]lpValue[/red] = .null.
[red]declare long RegOpenKey in advapi32 long hKey, string lpSubKey, long @phkResult[/red]
lnErrorRes =[red] RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpSubKey, @phkResult)[/red]
if lnErrorRes # 0 or phkResult = 0 && Cannot open registry key - unknown error
= messagebox('Cannot open Windows registry.')
return ''
... more code
Does This Help You ? [sig]<p>David W. Grewe<br><a href=mailtoave@internationalbid.net>Dave@internationalbid.net</a><br>[/sig]
Hi Jimmy,
IMO, you've just stumbled on one of VFP's few weaknesses. A struct, AISI, is nothing more than sequentially allocated memory space.
Handling structs from VFP requires creating a "buffer" to return the values, passing that buffer to the function by reference, and parsing the values out of that buffer. Here's an example of the GetSystemTime function:
DECLARE GetSystemTime IN WIN32API STRING @lcBuffer
*!* typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
*!* WORD wYear; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wMonth; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wDayOfWeek; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wDay; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wHour; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wMinute; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wSecond; && 2 bytes
*!* WORD wMilliseconds; && 2 bytes
lcBuffer=SPACE(16) && total struct length is 16 bytes
PARAMETERS m.wordstr
PRIVATE i, m.retval
m.retval = 0
FOR i = 0 TO 8 STEP 8
m.retval = m.retval + (ASC(m.wordstr) * (2^i))
m.wordstr = RIGHT(m.wordstr, LEN(m.wordstr) - 1)
RETURN m.retval
Str2Word is used to convert the returned value to WORD data type. [sig]<p>Jon Hawkins<br><a href=mailto: jonscott8@yahoo.com> jonscott8@yahoo.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Carpe Diem! - Seize the Day![/sig]
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