I have been calling Impromptu 6.0 from MS Access, running reports and importing the results into Access with no problem. I now have a situation where I need to pass two dates from an Access form as prompts for an Impromptu report. I have tried everything I've been able to find in this forum that seems related to my case with no luck. The prompts in my Impromptu report are date prompts. If anyone knows how to pass these dates to Impromptu, I would very much appreciate knowing how. Here is my Access code:
Set objImpApp = CreateObject("CognosImpromptu.Application")
objImpApp.OpenCatalog "c:\Data Warehouse\Catalog\Hrms.cat", strSecLevel, , strPSID, strPassword
'assigns form text box values to string variables
strYrStart = txtYrStart
strYrEnd = txtYrEnd
Set objImpRep = objImpApp.OpenReport("C:\AAP\RayCatsHires.imr", strYrStart, strYrEnd)
objImpRep.ExportExcel ("C:\AAP\RayCatsHires.xls")
Set objImpApp = CreateObject("CognosImpromptu.Application")
objImpApp.OpenCatalog "c:\Data Warehouse\Catalog\Hrms.cat", strSecLevel, , strPSID, strPassword
'assigns form text box values to string variables
strYrStart = txtYrStart
strYrEnd = txtYrEnd
Set objImpRep = objImpApp.OpenReport("C:\AAP\RayCatsHires.imr", strYrStart, strYrEnd)
objImpRep.ExportExcel ("C:\AAP\RayCatsHires.xls")