i need to pass the $1 variable from a regular expression to a function. here's what i'm trying to do:
$1 is equal to 44,but when trying to pass it to the function what i get printed is here: $1 instead of here: 44.
looping through the Matches won't help becuase the match is LinkToObject(44) and not just 44.
i need to pass the $1 variable from a regular expression to a function. here's what i'm trying to do:
strTemplateData = "this is it<br>LinkToObject(44)"
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "LinkToObject *\( *""? *(\d+?) *""? *\)"
regEx.IgnoreCase = False
regEx.Global = True
strTemplateData = regEx.Replace(strTemplateData, LinkToObject("$1"))
Function LinkToObject(intObjectID)
response.write "here: " & intObjectID&"<br>"
End Function
looping through the Matches won't help becuase the match is LinkToObject(44) and not just 44.