I want to use a either a VS r4/r5 or a Partner Messaging R1/R6 for the following auto-attendant scenario
Press 1 - transfer to a group of phones / No voicemail box
Press 2 - plays a menu prompt of directions /office hours
Press 3 - Transfer to an external number via centrex flash
Press 4 - transfers to a group of phones same as option 1
I know I can do 1, 2 and 4 without a problem. Just option 3 is the question? Can it be done? Which voicemails will do it? Customer has standalone R5 processors?
Press 1 - transfer to a group of phones / No voicemail box
Press 2 - plays a menu prompt of directions /office hours
Press 3 - Transfer to an external number via centrex flash
Press 4 - transfers to a group of phones same as option 1
I know I can do 1, 2 and 4 without a problem. Just option 3 is the question? Can it be done? Which voicemails will do it? Customer has standalone R5 processors?