Hi Norma56,
On two port systems your call volume may be high enough so that it may take 1/2 Hr. to light the message lamp. That's the lowest thing on the priority list for your voicemail to do. Call ext 78 and 79 to make sure they are both working.
To check the phone, Feature 09 <ext#> will turn the lamp on, Feature 10 <ext#> will turn it back off. MLS sets were bad for lights not working.
It appears to me that you are talking about Merlin mail-this is a Partner Voice Messaging card with 5 mailboxes-had been working until recently-nothing else has changed.
Hi Norma56,
No, I'm talking about the Partner messaging PC card that fits in the slot on your ACS processor.
The other possibility is that some of the earier cards go flakey. They appear to be prone to failure.
If you reset the system, it may start working again. Or it may be broke. That's what changed I guess.
Thanks for the input.We did reset the system and are going to watch and see what happens.It't can't be that the call volume is too high-we're a very small company and don't get that many calls.It would make more sense to me if it totally quit working-but it seems to be sporadic.
Hi Norma56,
Did you try my suggestions in post #2?
What you are finding is normal with the first releases of the PC card VM. I have had several customers that have had weird faults with these. The newer PC card models are much more reliable.
Also, I have a small lawyers office that has the same fault but we proved that the VM was too busy at certian times to ligh the message lights (or turn them off). That's the nature of a two port VM card. If you use the autoattendant it makes things worse (vm busier).
Chris-I'm not sure what you mean when you say call ext 78 and 79.As far as your directions about Feature 09,I haven't tried that yet either.The guy in our office that knows more about this than me has been swampped and this is not a priority right now.I also think it would be easier to be testing these things after hours.I am sure the lamp works,though-because sometimes it comes on.
There isn't anyone locally that does much on Lucent phones-and as we're much smaller than we were previously-and may not plan to be in business-I wouldn't want to invest a lot in getting this to work.Course, a plain old answering machine could also do the trick-everything else works fine.Thanks.
Hi Norma56,
Just call ext 78 and 79 as you would any other extension. The voicemail should answer. Very easy test to do in seconds, even during the day. Just to see if there is a dead port or not.
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