I know that the Partner PVM 3.0 large card can go up to 16 mailbox's and that as you increase the number of mailbox's you also lessen the storage time per box.
The documentation states 8 box's = 15min
10 box's = 11 min
12 box's = 10 min etc.
My question is ...Can the stytem be reconfigured to less than 8 box's...Say 6....and if so, will you gain storage time per box.
I have a situation where 6 box's would be perfect and a boost in storage time per box would sweeten the pot.
Any input is greatly appreciated
The documentation states 8 box's = 15min
10 box's = 11 min
12 box's = 10 min etc.
My question is ...Can the stytem be reconfigured to less than 8 box's...Say 6....and if so, will you gain storage time per box.
I have a situation where 6 box's would be perfect and a boost in storage time per box would sweeten the pot.
Any input is greatly appreciated