I have a customer with an ACS R7 and Partner Messaging R7. They want all calls coming in to Lines 1-3 to route to Extension 11's mailbox after four rings. I've changed #206, #505, #506, and #507, but still can't get it to work. What settings doe I need to change? Currently I have:
#206 - Line Group 7 set to Unassigned. I've tried setting it to Assigned & VMS Cover, both with no luck
#208 - I've assigned Ext. 11 as the cover for Lines 1-3
#506 - I've got Line 1 set to 2 rings and Lines 2 & 3 set to 1 ring each, so it should total 4 rings
#507 - Lines 1-3 are set to Always
What am I missing?
#206 - Line Group 7 set to Unassigned. I've tried setting it to Assigned & VMS Cover, both with no luck
#208 - I've assigned Ext. 11 as the cover for Lines 1-3
#506 - I've got Line 1 set to 2 rings and Lines 2 & 3 set to 1 ring each, so it should total 4 rings
#507 - Lines 1-3 are set to Always
What am I missing?