Partner Messaging 7.0...A message is received in a users mailbox...We listen to the message...We now want to forward the message to another extension...We "PRESS 1 to respond to a message" we "PRESS 2 to forward the recorded message"...
So far so good, but now comes the part the users do not like.
We now have to record something in order to send the message..example..."Joe this message is for you"
Then we PRESS 1 again...
The users do not like the idea of having to record something in order to forward a message..If you do not speak and make a brief recording, the " Message to short" plays back to you and does not allow the message to be forwarded.
Is this just the nature of the beast and thats the way it was designed or are we doing something incorrect there a better way?
So far so good, but now comes the part the users do not like.
We now have to record something in order to send the message..example..."Joe this message is for you"
Then we PRESS 1 again...
The users do not like the idea of having to record something in order to forward a message..If you do not speak and make a brief recording, the " Message to short" plays back to you and does not allow the message to be forwarded.
Is this just the nature of the beast and thats the way it was designed or are we doing something incorrect there a better way?