We have a customer with a old "very old" Partner PM02 voicemail Computer Release 3. (Its Not a Mail VS Module) They do not want to replace it, it works fine, but we can't get in to change the AA..
We can log in and have tried the defaults we are familiar with 9997# 123456 but they have been changed and the company that sold it to them 15 years ago and is no longer in business..
Could someone PM me the sequence to reset the voicemail system to factory defaults or the bkdr password on this dinosaur. They want to redo the whole thing so I don't mind defaulting it back to factory settings, just can't find the info.. Thanks in Advance
We can log in and have tried the defaults we are familiar with 9997# 123456 but they have been changed and the company that sold it to them 15 years ago and is no longer in business..
Could someone PM me the sequence to reset the voicemail system to factory defaults or the bkdr password on this dinosaur. They want to redo the whole thing so I don't mind defaulting it back to factory settings, just can't find the info.. Thanks in Advance