Customer has existing 308 with 200E card.
1st three lines are C. O.s
Line 5 is where the Viking Door box is hooked up to.
When door box button is pressed it rings thru to Ext. 10, possibly others, but Door box can barely I mean barely, hear the person at Ext.10 when they answer.
ext. 10 can barely hear the door box. Also door box has a lot of garbled inductive type noise or power type noise as in slight clicking.
1st pair is going from Door box to 2nd line on 200 E card. I switched it to line 4 same results. 2nd pair on door box is to the Viking power transformer.
Any suggestions.
1st three lines are C. O.s
Line 5 is where the Viking Door box is hooked up to.
When door box button is pressed it rings thru to Ext. 10, possibly others, but Door box can barely I mean barely, hear the person at Ext.10 when they answer.
ext. 10 can barely hear the door box. Also door box has a lot of garbled inductive type noise or power type noise as in slight clicking.
1st pair is going from Door box to 2nd line on 200 E card. I switched it to line 4 same results. 2nd pair on door box is to the Viking power transformer.
Any suggestions.