This is my first post. Please pardon any faux-pas. About me: Although my real job is IT security, I "manage" as a volunteer the wiring and systems for phone, PA, computers and power in a summer camp in Maine. We have 24 buildings scattered on a 1 square mile property, with many 600-feet cable runs in trees and utility poles.
Currently I am using the Page port (inner pair) on our ACS R6 for feeding voice into a 70V amplifier.
I am also using the Contact Closure port and a Contact Closure Adjunct for a dry contact, this triggers relays in a home-made system which opens all zones in our network of 70V speakers. This works well but it is awkward and error-prone, as it requires 3 manual operations: activate contact (F41), page (I70), deactivate contact (F41).
I've read that the outer pair on the R6 Page port is supposed to be a dry contact, which would be great for our needs.
However I tested this by measuring the resistance on this pair (dirctly on the ACS port), and when activated the resistance does not drop to near zero as expected, instead it reads around 40 ohms. This fails to activate the relays in our installation.
Is this normal behavior or is my unit defective? Or maybe my understanding is wrong?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
This is my first post. Please pardon any faux-pas. About me: Although my real job is IT security, I "manage" as a volunteer the wiring and systems for phone, PA, computers and power in a summer camp in Maine. We have 24 buildings scattered on a 1 square mile property, with many 600-feet cable runs in trees and utility poles.
Currently I am using the Page port (inner pair) on our ACS R6 for feeding voice into a 70V amplifier.
I am also using the Contact Closure port and a Contact Closure Adjunct for a dry contact, this triggers relays in a home-made system which opens all zones in our network of 70V speakers. This works well but it is awkward and error-prone, as it requires 3 manual operations: activate contact (F41), page (I70), deactivate contact (F41).
I've read that the outer pair on the R6 Page port is supposed to be a dry contact, which would be great for our needs.
However I tested this by measuring the resistance on this pair (dirctly on the ACS port), and when activated the resistance does not drop to near zero as expected, instead it reads around 40 ohms. This fails to activate the relays in our installation.
Is this normal behavior or is my unit defective? Or maybe my understanding is wrong?
Thanks for any help you can provide.