I got this weired problem. In the past if / is full I'd just zap the logs and it should OK. But last night when I got the / partition full error, I found /var/adm/wtmpx was huge. So I did this hoping to ease the situation:
cat /dev/null > /var/adm/wtmpx
/ became about 88% but soon climbed up to 100% full again.
Also, I found a directory in /home but I couldn't access it. A short while later, it was gone.
# pwd
# ls -l
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 Nov 2 10:46 www
# pwd
# cd www
^Cwww: bad directory
Is this system being compromised?
Your inputs will be appreciated.
cat /dev/null > /var/adm/wtmpx
/ became about 88% but soon climbed up to 100% full again.
Also, I found a directory in /home but I couldn't access it. A short while later, it was gone.
# pwd
# ls -l
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 Nov 2 10:46 www
# pwd
# cd www
^Cwww: bad directory
Is this system being compromised?
Your inputs will be appreciated.