I'm trying to parse the data identified by xml tags and get this data ready to insert into a database. I tried many combinations and looked at various examples online. I get the error
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 1, Column 26: <font face="Arial" size=2>
if I response.write xmlhttp.responseText
this appears fine on the browser as xml. I seem to spending too long on a solution, would greatly appreciate some help, thanks
'################### CODE ###################################
<% set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET"," xmlhttp.send ""
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
' this code takes the raw loads it into an XML Object
Set objXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0")
objXMLDoc.async = false
Dim objChildNodes, strNode
Set objChildNodes = objXMLDoc.documentElement.childNodes
'And if we then iterate through the child nodes, displaying their node names, you will see that they are the two <State> tags of our XML file.
For Each strNode In objChildNodes
document.write(strNode.nodeName & "<br>")
the boho from soho
I'm trying to parse the data identified by xml tags and get this data ready to insert into a database. I tried many combinations and looked at various examples online. I get the error
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Line Number 1, Column 26: <font face="Arial" size=2>
if I response.write xmlhttp.responseText
this appears fine on the browser as xml. I seem to spending too long on a solution, would greatly appreciate some help, thanks
'################### CODE ###################################
<% set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open "GET"," xmlhttp.send ""
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
' this code takes the raw loads it into an XML Object
Set objXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0")
objXMLDoc.async = false
Dim objChildNodes, strNode
Set objChildNodes = objXMLDoc.documentElement.childNodes
'And if we then iterate through the child nodes, displaying their node names, you will see that they are the two <State> tags of our XML file.
For Each strNode In objChildNodes
document.write(strNode.nodeName & "<br>")
the boho from soho