maybe I'm missing something, but what kind of parser do I need to be able to inspect the content (for troubleshooting) of lastprop.xml, lastpropssendtoserver.xml etc.
I had some piece of software installed on my computer that would parse XML into nice columns. However I rebuilt but as Xavier2 says, notepad works well.
did you effectively ever try to open those specific xml files with notepad and find something readable?
Now if so, then my question is why on my installation those files are not readable (other xml files like sitelist.xml are normally parsed and also perfectly readable with notepad).
Oh, to make things more clear, I do am aware of the existance of notepad. I woulnd't have bothered to ask if it would have been readable.
I think you're going to have to ask McAfee how to do that one. Obviously it's not the typical XML file like we're used to looking at. It may be encrypted.
Interesting. I navigated to the FrameworkManifest.xml on my laptop and opened it in notepad with no problem.
It does appear however that several of the other XML files are unreadable. I checked with a couple of our uber-developers and they claim there is no encryption in the XML standard...if it's truly XML you should be able to read it in notepad or IE. They claim that it most likely is not XML at all, but a binary file McAfee is calling XML so they can easily transport it via http.
Perhaps it contains info that the "opposition" could use to write better viri so McAfee encrypts it with some proprietary algorithm.
Humour is oké, but it's nice that questions are responded in a helpful way, otherwise the forum ends up in a non-technical chat site.
I agree that xml is xml and should always be text, so it's absurd that some co-called xml files can't be opened. Anyway it's strange that yoú can open that FrameworkManifest file, you saw the output I had! But do you have ePo installed somewhere? I am really curious about the LasrPropSendtoServer. I have a client with some property problems (question somewhere else in the forum, but no reactions), in the past I could inspect the fullprop.ini file, but now with common framework I can't open that ... "lastprop.xml" file.
Yes were are using Epo/Framework Svc 3.5 with VS 8.0i. I was able to view the FrameworkManifest.xml on my laptop, but not the ones you desire (the prop related ones).
Here are the first few lines of my FrameworkManifest.xml you you dont think I am pulling your leg!
Off course I believed you! It's really getting time I find some McAfee technos to ask them some serious questions.
Now I got that unreadable framework xml file from a VS 7.1 installation without ePo, while I had that available at that moment. Maybe there's a difference, your's is just correct xml, strange though and not logical. But what's logical in software anyway??..
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