Here's the problem - I am trying to place whole lines from a file, i.e.
>Directory Structure Error<
into a variable to conduct a search on.
$line=`grep ^">" <filename>`;
while ( $line ); do
grep -l $line *.xml;
What is happening is that I'm getting individual words instead of the lines placed in the variable and it appears to be acting on it as a command as I'm getting an error of
<commandfilename> =>Directory command not found
Any ideas?
>Directory Structure Error<
into a variable to conduct a search on.
$line=`grep ^">" <filename>`;
while ( $line ); do
grep -l $line *.xml;
What is happening is that I'm getting individual words instead of the lines placed in the variable and it appears to be acting on it as a command as I'm getting an error of
<commandfilename> =>Directory command not found
Any ideas?