I have a file in the same format as the fortune cookie files
I am at the very beginning of my script; I need to parse through a certain amount of '%' and stop after the next one.
I'll need a special case if the counter is '0' to grab text until the first '%' but I'll try to take care of that on my own.
Assume the file I need to parse is called 'file' and the counter variable is called $count.
Also, I know that giving me the answer is the best solution, but if you give me a man page to browse, I might actually learn something.. And I can always come back if I don't get it
Thanks for your time.
-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.
I am at the very beginning of my script; I need to parse through a certain amount of '%' and stop after the next one.
I'll need a special case if the counter is '0' to grab text until the first '%' but I'll try to take care of that on my own.
Assume the file I need to parse is called 'file' and the counter variable is called $count.
Also, I know that giving me the answer is the best solution, but if you give me a man page to browse, I might actually learn something.. And I can always come back if I don't get it
Thanks for your time.
-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.