I have a continuous form where one can search an inventory table (item description) for specific keywords by typing the same into an unbound text box (FindBox). I have a hidden text box (ExactWord) with a Control Source of =ParseText([FindBox],0). And a command button on the form for finding the matches with the code: DoCmd.ApplyFilter ,
It works fine except it also includes other words that contain part of the searched one. For example, the word "red" that can be found in: manufactu'red', colo'red', etc. By changing the (ExactWord) Control Source to: =Chr(32) & [FindBox] & Chr(32), it found the exact word "red" but, of course, it EXcluded records where it appeared at the beginning or end of a string, or with quotes around it, etc.
I would like to include both into one function and this is where I need assistance. It is for an Access 97 db so the Split()function is not available. However, I have found code for a claimed substitute split function shown below, if needed.
Here is the code for the ParseText() function:
Public Function ParseText( _
List As Variant, _
Item As Long) As Variant
'Returns a specified word from a string.
Dim oRE As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim oMatches As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
If IsNull(List) Then
ParseText = Null
Exit Function
End If
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
With oRE
.Pattern = "\b[-0-9A-Z_]+\b"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Multiline = True
End With
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(CStr(List))
If oMatches.Count <= Item Then
ParseText = Null
ParseText = oMatches(Item)
End If
Set oRE = Nothing
End Function
Here is the code for the Split() function that I found (note that I changed the name to Split2).
Public Function Split2( _
Expression As String, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal Compare As Integer = 0) _
As Variant
' Inputs: String to search,
' delimiter string,
' optional replacement limit (default = -1 .. ALL)
' optional string compare value (default vbBinaryCompare)
' Outputs: Array containing items found in the string
' based on the delimiter provided
' Original code by: John L. Viescas 5-Sep-2001
' Extensively revised by: Dirk Goldgar 21-Jan-2002
' Last Revision: Dirk Goldgar 21-Jan-2002
' ** Duplicates the functionality of the VB 6 SPLIT function.
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngI As Long
Dim strArray() As String
If (Compare < -1) Or (Compare > 2) Then
err.Raise 5
Exit Function
End If
' If count is zero, return an empty array
If Limit = 0 Then
Split2 = Array()
Exit Function
End If
' If the Delimiter is zero-length, return a 1-entry array
If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
ReDim strArray(0)
strArray(0) = Expression
Split2 = strArray
Exit Function
End If
' Start count at (Limit - 1) because function returns
' whatever is left at the end.
lngCnt = Limit - 1
' Start scanning at the start of the string.
lngPos = 1
' Loop until the counter is zero.
Do Until lngCnt = 0
lngI = InStr(lngPos, Expression, Delimiter, Compare)
' If the delimiter was not found, end the loop.
If lngI = 0 Then Exit Do
' Add 1 to the number returned.
intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Expand the array to fit in a new element.
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
' Use index - 1 .. zero-based array
strArray(intIndex - 1) = Mid$(Expression, lngPos, lngI -
' Advance past the found entry and the delimiter.
lngPos = lngI + Len(Delimiter)
lngCnt = lngCnt - 1
' Everything after the last delimiter found goes in the last entry of
' the array.
intIndex = intIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
If lngPos <= Len(Expression) Then
strArray(intIndex - 1) = Mid$(Expression, lngPos)
strArray(intIndex - 1) = vbNullString
End If
' Return the result
Split2 = strArray
End Function
Note: Below I made some attempt to modifiy the ParseText function with code to look for a specific word separated by a space or a separator, but without success. I prefer combining the two functions.
Public Function ParseText2( _
List As Variant, _
Item As Long, _
Optional Separator As String = " " _
) As Variant
Dim arWords As Variant
If IsNull(List) Then
ParseText2 = Null
Exit Function
End If
arWords = Split2(CStr(List), Separator, Item + 2)
If UBound(arWords) < Item Then
ParseText2 = Null
ParseText2 = arWords(Item)
End If
End Function
Any assistance will be much appreciated. Thanks.
It works fine except it also includes other words that contain part of the searched one. For example, the word "red" that can be found in: manufactu'red', colo'red', etc. By changing the (ExactWord) Control Source to: =Chr(32) & [FindBox] & Chr(32), it found the exact word "red" but, of course, it EXcluded records where it appeared at the beginning or end of a string, or with quotes around it, etc.
I would like to include both into one function and this is where I need assistance. It is for an Access 97 db so the Split()function is not available. However, I have found code for a claimed substitute split function shown below, if needed.
Here is the code for the ParseText() function:
Public Function ParseText( _
List As Variant, _
Item As Long) As Variant
'Returns a specified word from a string.
Dim oRE As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Dim oMatches As Object 'VBScript_RegExp_55.MatchCollection
If IsNull(List) Then
ParseText = Null
Exit Function
End If
Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
With oRE
.Pattern = "\b[-0-9A-Z_]+\b"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Multiline = True
End With
Set oMatches = oRE.Execute(CStr(List))
If oMatches.Count <= Item Then
ParseText = Null
ParseText = oMatches(Item)
End If
Set oRE = Nothing
End Function
Here is the code for the Split() function that I found (note that I changed the name to Split2).
Public Function Split2( _
Expression As String, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal Compare As Integer = 0) _
As Variant
' Inputs: String to search,
' delimiter string,
' optional replacement limit (default = -1 .. ALL)
' optional string compare value (default vbBinaryCompare)
' Outputs: Array containing items found in the string
' based on the delimiter provided
' Original code by: John L. Viescas 5-Sep-2001
' Extensively revised by: Dirk Goldgar 21-Jan-2002
' Last Revision: Dirk Goldgar 21-Jan-2002
' ** Duplicates the functionality of the VB 6 SPLIT function.
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim intIndex As Integer
Dim lngPos As Long
Dim lngI As Long
Dim strArray() As String
If (Compare < -1) Or (Compare > 2) Then
err.Raise 5
Exit Function
End If
' If count is zero, return an empty array
If Limit = 0 Then
Split2 = Array()
Exit Function
End If
' If the Delimiter is zero-length, return a 1-entry array
If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
ReDim strArray(0)
strArray(0) = Expression
Split2 = strArray
Exit Function
End If
' Start count at (Limit - 1) because function returns
' whatever is left at the end.
lngCnt = Limit - 1
' Start scanning at the start of the string.
lngPos = 1
' Loop until the counter is zero.
Do Until lngCnt = 0
lngI = InStr(lngPos, Expression, Delimiter, Compare)
' If the delimiter was not found, end the loop.
If lngI = 0 Then Exit Do
' Add 1 to the number returned.
intIndex = intIndex + 1
' Expand the array to fit in a new element.
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
' Use index - 1 .. zero-based array
strArray(intIndex - 1) = Mid$(Expression, lngPos, lngI -
' Advance past the found entry and the delimiter.
lngPos = lngI + Len(Delimiter)
lngCnt = lngCnt - 1
' Everything after the last delimiter found goes in the last entry of
' the array.
intIndex = intIndex + 1
ReDim Preserve strArray(0 To intIndex - 1)
If lngPos <= Len(Expression) Then
strArray(intIndex - 1) = Mid$(Expression, lngPos)
strArray(intIndex - 1) = vbNullString
End If
' Return the result
Split2 = strArray
End Function
Note: Below I made some attempt to modifiy the ParseText function with code to look for a specific word separated by a space or a separator, but without success. I prefer combining the two functions.
Public Function ParseText2( _
List As Variant, _
Item As Long, _
Optional Separator As String = " " _
) As Variant
Dim arWords As Variant
If IsNull(List) Then
ParseText2 = Null
Exit Function
End If
arWords = Split2(CStr(List), Separator, Item + 2)
If UBound(arWords) < Item Then
ParseText2 = Null
ParseText2 = arWords(Item)
End If
End Function
Any assistance will be much appreciated. Thanks.