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Parse SQL field for specific number 3

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Oct 2, 2006
I need to write a script that can give me the count of a number in a field on a MSSQL 2000 database. Below is the field. It contains more than just one piece of info.

This below is directly from one field in one table of my database. I need to count the occurrences of 20100 in each field like below in my table in my database. Any ideas would be more than I have to start with.


Use your database to do it. I don't know MSSQL but in Oracle it would be something like:-

SELECT (length(sourcefield) - length(Replace(sourcefield,search_str)))
from your_table
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
searchstring = "some search string"

commandstring = "select * from mytable where somefield = " & searchstring & ";"
objRecordSet.Open commandstring, objConnection, 3, 3

do while objrecordse.eof <> true
str_data = objRecordset.Fields.Item("db_field")
for i = 1 to len(str_data) - 5
if mid(str_data, 1, 5) = "20100" then
j = j + 1
end if
msgbox "found " & j & " occurences of 20100"


if mid(str_data, 1, 5) = "20100" then
sorry, this should be:
mid(str_data, i, 5) = "20100
Pull the data from the field as jfdabiri did above and use the Split function on that field. Then use a for loop and find each occurance of 20100.

[monkey][snake] <.
I modified jfdabiri code a bit to account for varied field lenghts.

This should work But I didn't have a way to test it againt a DB. It did work against your string value example though.

Hope this helps.

do while objrecordse.eof <> true                               
str_data = objRecordset.Fields.Item("db_field")   
x = 0
arrField = Split(str_data, "|")
strUcount = UBound(arrField)
WScript.Echo strUcount & " total values"
For i = 0 To strUcount Step 1 
    If (arrField(i)) = "20100" Then 
		strCounter = x + 1
    End If 
WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurances found for 20100"



John Fuhrman
Titan Global Services
Just another option:

Option Explicit

Dim strTemp, RegEx, intCount

strTemp = "3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" & _

Set RegEx = New RegExp
RegEx.Pattern = "\|20100\|"
RegEx.Global = True
intCount = RegEx.Execute(strTemp).Count

WScript.Echo "Found " & intCount & " occurences of 20100!"

My philosophy: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid
A perhaps faster code:
strTemp = objRecordset.Fields.Item("db_field")
intCount = (Len(strTemp)-Len(Replace(strTemp,"|20100|","")))/Len("|20100|")

Hope This Helps, PH.
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I'm going to test and I will let you know the final results soon. All of these options look perfect so let me see which one works best with what I'm doing.

Sorry,, Messed up the loop counter.

It should be..
strField = "3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_
"3||0529|20101|1907|0|13:20:17|0|0||T0.1236|20100|1907|0|13:20:20|0|0||T0.1236|20103|1907|0|13:20:52|0|0||T0.1236|" &_

strCounter = 0
arrField = Split(strField, "|")
strUcount = UBound(arrField)
WScript.Echo strUcount & " total values"
For i = 0 To strUcount Step 1 
    If (arrField(i)) = "20100" Then 
'		WScript.Echo (arrField(i))
		strCounter = strCounter + 1
    End If 
WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurance found for 20100"

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

243 total values
9 accurance found for 20100

***** script completed *****


John Fuhrman
Titan Global Services
I'm not able to get this one to work. No errors just doesn't pull the data.

do while objrecordset.eof <> true                               
str_data = objRecordset.Fields.Item("tx_CTIData")   
strCounter = 0
arrField = Split(strField, "|")
strUcount = UBound(arrField)
WScript.Echo strUcount & " total values"
For i = 0 To strUcount Step 1 
    If (arrField(i)) = "20100" Then 
        strCounter = strCounter + 1
    End If 
WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurance found for 20100"

Did you use the beginning of jfdabiri script? I had said that I had modified his script.

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
searchstring = "some search string"

commandstring = "select * from mytable where somefield = " & searchstring & ";"
objRecordSet.Open commandstring, objConnection, 3, 3

do while objrecordset.eof <> true
str_data = objRecordset.Fields.Item("tx_CTIData")
strCounter = 0
arrField = Split(strField, "|")
strUcount = UBound(arrField)
WScript.Echo strUcount & " total values"
For i = 0 To strUcount Step 1
If (arrField(i)) = "20100" Then
strCounter = strCounter + 1
End If
WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurance found for 20100"


John Fuhrman
Titan Global Services
Yes, sorry. I had that in the script but didn't post it. I think that I forgot to movefirst before the loop. Let me try again. Sorry for not posting my full script.

I found the problem. In my sql query I had an extra where clause asking for something that made it impossible for the loop to find. That is my fault. I had forgot to take it out. What I see when I run the script now is this below over and over. I just need it to tell me how many it finds total.
-1 total values
0 accurance found for 20100
-1 total values
0 accurance found for 20100
-1 total values
0 accurance found for 20100
-1 total values
0 accurance found for 20100
-1 total values
0 accurance found for 20100

If you used SparkBytes code then simply move the following line outside the Do...Loop

WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurance found for 20100"

My philosophy: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid
Here is my version with PHV's recommendation in it. I'll post Sparkbytes in just a minute. I found some mistakes I made so I'll correct those and then post my version of Sparkbyte's.

Const OpenFileForReading = 1
Const OpenFileForWriting = 2
Const OpenFileForAppending = 8
Const adopenstatic = 3
Const adlockoptimistic = 3
Const aduseclient = 3

Dim objFSO
Dim strTemp

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strServer = InputBox("Please enter server name: ")
strbdate = InputBox("Please enter begin date (ex. 2005-02-01): ")
stredate = InputBox("Please enter end date (ex. 2005-03-01): ")

Set objconnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objrecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objconnection.open "driver=SQL Server;server="&strserver&";uid=sa;pwd=password;database=DBName;"
objrecordset.open "select tx_CTIData from master_index where filedatetime between '"&strbdate&" 00:00:00.000' and '"&stredate&" 23:59:59.999'" , objconnection, adopenstatic, adlockoptimistic

strCounter = 0
do while objrecordset.eof <> true                               
strTemp = objRecordset.Fields.Item("tx_CTIData")
intCount = (Len(strTemp)-Len(Replace(strTemp,"|20100|","")))/Len("|20100|") 
strCounter = strCounter + 1
WScript.Echo strCounter & " accurances found for 20100"

By the way, how can I keep the command from timing out? It is having to loop through 10,000's of records and it is timing out.

What if you tried this:

Const OpenFileForReading = 1
Const OpenFileForWriting = 2
Const OpenFileForAppending = 8
Const adopenstatic = 3
Const adlockoptimistic = 3
Const aduseclient = 3

Dim objFSO
Dim strTemp

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strServer = InputBox("Please enter server name: ")
strbdate = InputBox("Please enter begin date (ex. 2005-02-01): ")
stredate = InputBox("Please enter end date (ex. 2005-03-01): ")

Set objconnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objrecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objconnection.open "driver=SQL Server;server="&strserver&";uid=sa;pwd=password;database=DBName;"
objrecordset.open "select tx_CTIData from master_index where filedatetime between '"&strbdate&" 00:00:00.000' and '"&stredate&" 23:59:59.999'" , objconnection, adopenstatic, adlockoptimistic
strTemp = objrecordset.GetString
intCount = (Len(strTemp)-Len(Replace(strTemp,"|20100|","")))/Len("|20100|")
WScript.Echo intCount & " occurances found for 20100"

My philosophy: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid
So is str_data the same thing as strField in Sparkbyte's method? I can get all of them to work I just can't get a total of everything. I don't need a total for each item...well I do but I need those totals added together at the end for a final total. The final total is what I really need.

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