I am very new to the XML classes and i'm having difficulty adding sections to the existing code I have below. This fuction parses a text file into a simple XML file. Say I wanted to add another CollectionName element to this file before the existing one, how can I do that? Also, if I wanted to concatenate the child members on one line, can that be done?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Public Function Text2XML(textFilePath As String, objectName As String, _
collectionName As String, Optional delimiter As String = ":")
Const ForReading = 1
Dim fs As Object
Dim ts As Object
Dim line As String
Dim xmlDoc As DOMDocument
Dim usersDoc As DOMDocument
Dim userDoc As DOMDocument
Dim userNode As IXMLDOMElement
Dim fields As Variant
Dim field As Variant
Dim fieldValues As Variant
Dim fieldValue As Variant
Dim tempNode As IXMLDOMElement
Dim fieldName As String
Dim index As Long
Dim txtfieldvalue As String
' Create a collection object (usersDoc) and a user instance (userDoc)
Set usersDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set userDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set usersDoc.documentElement = usersDoc.createElement(collectionName)
Set userDoc.documentElement = usersDoc.createElement(objectName)
' Open the Common Value Separated (CVS) text file
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fs.opentextfile(textFilePath, ForReading, False)
' Read the first line to get the header names and put
' into variant array(with split)
line = ts.ReadLine
fields = Split(line, ":")
' Create a user template with one node for each field
For Each field In fields
Set tempNode = userDoc.createElement(field)
userDoc.documentElement.appendChild tempNode
' Iterate through each line of the text stream:
While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
'Read the next line in the text stream
line = ts.ReadLine
' Get the values as a variant array (setting it first to a blank
' string to "unlock" the previous array, if set).
fieldValues = ""
fieldValues = Split(line, ":")
cnt = UBound(fieldValues)
If cnt >= 3 Then
' Create a copy of the user template
Set userNode = userDoc.documentElement.cloneNode(True)
' Iterate through each field
For index = 0 To UBound(fieldValues)
field = fields(index)
If index = 1 Then
fieldValue = Split(fieldValues(1), "\")
fieldValue = fieldValue(1)
fieldValue = fieldValues(index)
End If
' and set the text for the node corresponding to the field name
userNode.selectSingleNode(field).Text = CStr(fieldValue)
' Add the child to the usersDoc collection
usersDoc.documentElement.appendChild userNode
End If
' and output usersDoc
Set Text2XML = usersDoc
End Function