I have a CR report that is pulling from a SQL db. The field name is "Parameter" and dumps into the report like this:
Secondary Address City=605 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD.NORFOLKSecondary Address Line 1=RIDE AWAY Att:Richard Turner6059 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVDSecondary Address Location Name=rideRIDE
I would like to make it split out to look like the attached (table).
Field Name Previous Value New Value
Secondary Address City NORFOLK 605 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD.
Secondary Address Line 1 6059 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD RIDE AWAY Att:Richard Turner
Secondary Address Location RIDE ride
Secondary Address City=605 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD.NORFOLKSecondary Address Line 1=RIDE AWAY Att:Richard Turner6059 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVDSecondary Address Location Name=rideRIDE
I would like to make it split out to look like the attached (table).
Field Name Previous Value New Value
Secondary Address City NORFOLK 605 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD.
Secondary Address Line 1 6059 VIRGINIA BEACH BLVD RIDE AWAY Att:Richard Turner
Secondary Address Location RIDE ride