I have been having trouble for quite a bit now. I am new to Cobol so bare with me as I try to describe the issue. I am working on a web report program(s). My file oits.cbl creates a oits.exe file in which I run. When ran, it calls, oidriver.pco, i39l.pco, and a couple of web (html) files. The parameters are the start and end dates, and it returns the input form indicating that the start and end dates are not being passed into the form to create the file or go to the next step in bring back the report. I am running this in Batch mode within Unix for testing. The HTML code for the input form returns when the program is executed instead of the final product. I have been through all programs and do not see why the parameters are not being passed. I went through all Start date variables and columns. The parameters inserted into the database directly, then called from i39l.pco program. Has anyone worked with web programs and multiple files interacting with each other or has such a problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have been working on this and am about to break something!!! No, not really, but please help if you can. Thx