I have a lengthy query that is supposed to retrieve data between dates given. I created two parameters in the parameter list StartDate and EndDate. This was to reduce the amount of records that are retrieved. This works fine.
I have a parameter in the crystal report that gives them an option to select one or more employees.
When I run the report, I get two sets of prompts. The first for the command parameter list (StartDate, EndDate) and the 2nd for (StartDate, Enddate and Employee) (I believe this is from the report side).
I removed the startDate and EndDate paramter from being placed on the report but these fields are used in formulas.
The reason I do not have the employee as a command parameter list is because they can choose "all" or individual people.
The report runs but how do I get one set of prompts?
here is the query I use
I have a parameter in the crystal report that gives them an option to select one or more employees.
When I run the report, I get two sets of prompts. The first for the command parameter list (StartDate, EndDate) and the 2nd for (StartDate, Enddate and Employee) (I believe this is from the report side).
I removed the startDate and EndDate paramter from being placed on the report but these fields are used in formulas.
The reason I do not have the employee as a command parameter list is because they can choose "all" or individual people.
The report runs but how do I get one set of prompts?
here is the query I use
select * from
Select * from (
Select b.lastname,b.FirstName, b.userid, b.dept,
a.mydate, a.mthshorttitle,
max(a.ref_id_1) as r1, max(a.ref_id_2)as r2, max(a.ref_id_3)as r3, max(a.ref_id_4)as r4,
max(a.ref_id_5)as r5, max(a.ref_id_6)as r6, max(a.ref_id_7)as r7, max(a.ref_id_8)as r8,
max(a.ref_id_9)as r9, max(a.ref_id_10)as r10, max(a.ref_id_11) as r11,max(a.ref_id_12)as r12,
max(a.ref_id_13)as r13, max(a.ref_id_14)as r14, max(a.ref_id_15)as r15, max(a.ref_id_16)as r16,
max(a.ref_id_17)as r17, max(a.ref_id_18)as r18, max(a.ref_id_19)as r19, max(a.ref_id_20)as r20,
max(a.ref_id_21) as r21,max(a.ref_id_22)as r22, max(a.ref_id_23)as r23, max(a.ref_id_24)as r24,
max(a.ref_id_25)as r25, max(a.ref_id_26)as r26, max(a.ref_id_27)as r27, max(a.ref_id_28)as r28,
max(a.ref_id_29)as r29, a.refid
from (
select t3.refid,t2.userid,trunc(t2.PROCESSDATE) mydate,
decode(t1.refid,1,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_1,
decode(t1.refid,2,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_2,
decode(t1.refid,3,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_3,
decode(t1.refid,4,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_4,
decode(t1.refid,5,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_5,
decode(t1.refid,6,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_6,
decode(t1.refid,7,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_7,
decode(t1.refid,8,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_8,
decode(t1.refid,9,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_9,
decode(t1.refid,10,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_10,
decode(t1.refid,11,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_11,
decode(t1.refid,12,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_12,
decode(t1.refid,13,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_13,
decode(t1.refid,14,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_14,
decode(t1.refid,15,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_15,
decode(t1.refid,16,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_16,
decode(t1.refid,17,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_17,
decode(t1.refid,18,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_18,
decode(t1.refid,19,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_19,
decode(t1.refid,20,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_20,
decode(t1.refid,21,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_21,
decode(t1.refid,22,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_22,
decode(t1.refid,23,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_23,
decode(t1.refid,24,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_24,
decode(t1.refid,25,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_25,
decode(t1.refid,26,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_26,
decode(t1.refid,27,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_27,
decode(t1.refid,28,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_28,
decode(t1.refid,29,nvl(t1.desc_count,0),0) ref_id_29
where t1.TRACKID = t2.TRACKID
and t2.PROCESSDATE >= to_date({?StartDate})
and t2.PROCESSDATE < to_date({?EndDate})
and t3.refid=t1.refid
order by PROCESSDATE,refid
) a,
(select lastname,firstname, userid, dept from USERMASTER) b
where a.userid=b.userid
group by b.lastname,b.firstname, b.userid, b.dept,a.mydate,a.mthshorttitle, a.refid
union all
select lastname, firstname,userid, dept,mydate, '',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 from
select lastname,firstname,userid,dept,mydate
usermaster x1,
select level +1 + trunc(to_date({?StartDate})) mydate from dual
connect by level <(select to_date({?EndDate}) - to_date({?StartDate}) from dual)
) x2
) y1
where mydate not in
select trunc(PROCESSDATE) sy_date from TRACKDETAIL t1, TRACKMASTER t2, TrackREF t3
where t1.TRACKID = t2.TRACKID
and t2.PROCESSDATE >= to_date({?StartDate})
and t2.PROCESSDATE < to_date({?EndDate})
and t2.userid=y1.userid
and t3.refid=t1.refid
order by userid,mydate