Hello, I have a report that compares 3 years of data. The user wants to pick a starting month and year, and an ending month and year (usually YTD) and then have the report display that information as well as two years previous, same starting and ending months. They don't want to fill out the date ranges three times. I started by creating the 4 separate parameters (starting month & year & ending month & year), then tried doing an internal hidden parameter with formulas to pick up the previous two years. For example, I put a formula in the @PrevYr1 parameter to say (@Year - 1) (the month and year parameters are integers, I have Year and Month fields in my query). The @Month parameters need one parameter only for starting and ending, as they will not change from year to year. All works OK, except when I change the Month & Year parameters, the other parameters don't update. They stay the same. Any thoughts on this, or a better way to attack this? Thanks much.