The addresses in the database that I'm tring to write to is like this:
digits, Street Direction, Street Name, Street Type, and Apt.
Now, I created a formula that combined all and called it @Address and I'm using the starts with command in the Select Expert to perform Searches. Unfortunately, I'm about to give this to others to use and I don't want to confuse them with five separate field queries. So, I want to create a parameter off of the formula field, @Address, as opposed to every individual field in the DB (digits, Street Direction, etc). Is there a way to do this? I'm using CR 8.0 and it looks like I can only point to the database field names as opposed to the @address formula I created. Thanks.
digits, Street Direction, Street Name, Street Type, and Apt.
Now, I created a formula that combined all and called it @Address and I'm using the starts with command in the Select Expert to perform Searches. Unfortunately, I'm about to give this to others to use and I don't want to confuse them with five separate field queries. So, I want to create a parameter off of the formula field, @Address, as opposed to every individual field in the DB (digits, Street Direction, etc). Is there a way to do this? I'm using CR 8.0 and it looks like I can only point to the database field names as opposed to the @address formula I created. Thanks.