I got a database that have h field named "Lastedato". This is a date, but it is stored as number in the database. I'm using this formula make a furmula field also called "Lastedato":
local stringvar ds;
local numbervar aar;
local numbervar mnd;
local numbervar dag;
ds := totext ({OrdreHode.LasteDato},0,"",""
aar := val(left(ds,4));
mnd := val(mid(ds,5,2));
dag := val(right(ds,2));
What I need to do is to select all orders for a peried based on "Lastedato". Everey month got 2 periods 1-15 and 16-end of month. Can I use a parameter field based on the furmula field or is it any other way I can get this to work?
I also need to compere this to the same period last year.
I trayd to use month to date, but I get problems with the seccond period of the month.
Tanks and Regards
local stringvar ds;
local numbervar aar;
local numbervar mnd;
local numbervar dag;
ds := totext ({OrdreHode.LasteDato},0,"",""
aar := val(left(ds,4));
mnd := val(mid(ds,5,2));
dag := val(right(ds,2));
What I need to do is to select all orders for a peried based on "Lastedato". Everey month got 2 periods 1-15 and 16-end of month. Can I use a parameter field based on the furmula field or is it any other way I can get this to work?
I also need to compere this to the same period last year.
I trayd to use month to date, but I get problems with the seccond period of the month.
Tanks and Regards