Good Afternoon:
Having problems getting cascade parameters to work. The parameter doesn't seem to filter at all and I can't think why. Possibly I'm approaching this the wrong way for what I want to accomplish?
I'm trying to do trend analysis on call volume, so I'm using cross-tabs in Crystal Reports 2008. I want hourly volume during business hours monday-friday only, and to be able to average by day of week (and potentially later by the 1st weeks of each month vs 2nd/3rd/4th) so I can look at the monthly average in August for Mondays, then Tuesdays, etc., 8AM-5PM. I also want a quarterly average for each day and overall. My data comes in by the quarter hour each day. In rows is a date/time field {Timestamp} which I have used CDATE to convert to a date field. In columns is field {Time} grouped hourly in specified order so I could group together 8:00/8:15/8:30/8:45 as 8:00, etc. The report is grouped by {Timestamp} by month. A select expert/filter on {Timestamp} selects only Mon-Fri using formula [DAYOFWEEK({Timestamp}) in 2 to 6]. I thought about trying to do a filter using the parameter as well as the Mon-Fri filter but get errors when adding it to the formula. So far I successfully have output showing Monday-Friday dates grouped by hour, and then by month.
I set up a parameter on {Timestamp}, static and only True for allowing a range. I then preview it, enter a range, and nothing gets filtered out, I get a full year's worth of data. I thought maybe it was related to my setting it as a Date field parameter, but when I set the parameter as Date/Time I get the same thing. I had wanted to be able to set the parameter to pull from formulas, so I could specify using the word "Monday", "Tuesday", etc but parameters only have fields to choose from, not formulas or other parameters.
I thought of maybe setting the bottom total line in the crosstab report as an average instead of a sum function but I can't figure out how to make that happen; the main data is sum of the volume of specific queues and there doesn't seem to be a way to change the total without removing the formula summing the queues together.
Having problems getting cascade parameters to work. The parameter doesn't seem to filter at all and I can't think why. Possibly I'm approaching this the wrong way for what I want to accomplish?
I'm trying to do trend analysis on call volume, so I'm using cross-tabs in Crystal Reports 2008. I want hourly volume during business hours monday-friday only, and to be able to average by day of week (and potentially later by the 1st weeks of each month vs 2nd/3rd/4th) so I can look at the monthly average in August for Mondays, then Tuesdays, etc., 8AM-5PM. I also want a quarterly average for each day and overall. My data comes in by the quarter hour each day. In rows is a date/time field {Timestamp} which I have used CDATE to convert to a date field. In columns is field {Time} grouped hourly in specified order so I could group together 8:00/8:15/8:30/8:45 as 8:00, etc. The report is grouped by {Timestamp} by month. A select expert/filter on {Timestamp} selects only Mon-Fri using formula [DAYOFWEEK({Timestamp}) in 2 to 6]. I thought about trying to do a filter using the parameter as well as the Mon-Fri filter but get errors when adding it to the formula. So far I successfully have output showing Monday-Friday dates grouped by hour, and then by month.
I set up a parameter on {Timestamp}, static and only True for allowing a range. I then preview it, enter a range, and nothing gets filtered out, I get a full year's worth of data. I thought maybe it was related to my setting it as a Date field parameter, but when I set the parameter as Date/Time I get the same thing. I had wanted to be able to set the parameter to pull from formulas, so I could specify using the word "Monday", "Tuesday", etc but parameters only have fields to choose from, not formulas or other parameters.
I thought of maybe setting the bottom total line in the crosstab report as an average instead of a sum function but I can't figure out how to make that happen; the main data is sum of the volume of specific queues and there doesn't seem to be a way to change the total without removing the formula summing the queues together.