I have MySQL 5 running on a windows box.
I have a weird caching scenario going on here, which I am convinced is the client - but any help pointers would be appreciated.
I have a SP which does a simple select according to parms
If I call the SP like so in MySQL QA I get 8 rows on the first call, and 4 on the second - repeatable.
If I call them using Toad or my .net app, the first call returns 8 rows, the second 4, if I then use the first call again I only get 4 rows! This will then only return 4 rows until I break and reconnect.
I have turned off query caching on the server, but I am convinced that this is happening on the client somewhere as MySQL QA works fine.
Any thoughts/ideas/contributions appreciated
I have MySQL 5 running on a windows box.
I have a weird caching scenario going on here, which I am convinced is the client - but any help pointers would be appreciated.
I have a SP which does a simple select according to parms
CREATE PROCEDURE adcentre.`search_classifiedListings`(
_customerNumber INT,
_directoryId int,
_headingId int,
out _recordCount int)
select sql_no_cache distinct
MAX(l.end_date) as listing_end_date,
l.tlsearch_listing_code as listing_code,
ld.listing_name as business_name,
ld.phonenumber as phone_number,
h.name as heading_name,
d.name as directory_area
from ada_classified_listing l
inner join ada_directory d on d.directory_id = l.directory_id
inner join ada_heading h on h.heading_id = l.heading_id
left outer join listing_detail ld on ld.listing_code = l.tlsearch_listing_code
(l.customer_number is null or l.customer_number = _customerNumber) and
(_directoryId is null or _directoryId = l.directory_id) and
(_headingId is null or _headingId = l.heading_id)
group by directory_area, heading_name, match_group
order by heading_name, directory_area
limit 200;
set _recordCount = found_rows();
If I call the SP like so in MySQL QA I get 8 rows on the first call, and 4 on the second - repeatable.
call adcentre.search_classifiedListings(174605,null,null, @recordCount);
call adcentre.search_classifiedListings(174605,null,208, @recordCount);
If I call them using Toad or my .net app, the first call returns 8 rows, the second 4, if I then use the first call again I only get 4 rows! This will then only return 4 rows until I break and reconnect.
I have turned off query caching on the server, but I am convinced that this is happening on the client somewhere as MySQL QA works fine.
Any thoughts/ideas/contributions appreciated