Is it possible for a parameter to show 'real' and 'complete' lookup information in a list rather than the users guessing what the entry is that they need to make ?
The import of a text file is done once only I think, not dynamically, so you'd have to open it manually and re-import each time you run the parm list to a text file (which could probably more easily be done by just importing directly from the table, rather than exporting to a text file and then re-importing).
amurgett: My understanding is that dynamic pick lists require external processes, neither CR nor CE ePortfolio does it as a setting.
Though CE offers ways to automatically use a text file as the parameter list (I've forgotten the call to make, someone else here probably knows it by heart), as far as I know, this requires a call to the API to set the file for the list, it's not something pre-canned in CE through ePortfolio or within CR by which you might set the report once and it'll dynamically update.
I believe you can also use a CSP page to update these automatically W/O using a text file, there's a thread on TEK-Tips where someone references it.
Isn't the SDK only compatible with Seagate Info? I think it is - so the explanation I gave is for achieving this with SI. - Except I missed out the valuable step of actually calling the picklist file from the Info Desktop.
Info handles this acceptably if you only need your picklist to update up to a few times a day.
In order to use truly dynamic pick lists(real-time or interdependent parameters) in CE you need to build ASP or CSP parameter forms that query the datasource. The selected parameters could then be passed to the reports.
-you can open the report and refresh it's parameter list, then save it, using some eternal process (such as VB). Not elegant, but it's been done.
-you can create a text file and use it, there's a call that provides for it.
-you can use another product to collect parms in a form and execute the report from it, which is akin to creating custom ASP/CSP.
And there's probably other ways...
None of these methods are truly realtime nor optimal, inclusive of doing a select and then passing it from ASP/CSP. And if you collect them from a form, you lose the ability to refresh reports with current picklists from within the viewer.
I'd prefer not to recode the parm collection process if possible, I just want fresh picklists.
That said, I agree that the method you mention is the cleanest CE solution.
Thank you all for your input to my query. Naith, excellent article, we are currently trying out a CSP approach so hopefully this will sort out the problem.
Crystal is an excellent product, seems kinda strange that Dynamic lookups aren't just part of the package.
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