I have been searching this site as well as others to solve this problem.
I need to set a parameters default value to the resultset of a dataset within the reports. So here is the scenario:
I have a report that uses a parameter called @Franchise, this is a unique id(FranchiseID) of the user. Right now it is a drop-down list that gets it's values from a data set.
Now the end user would like this to be automated so that the reports will recognize the user and pass the appropriate FranchiseID. So I know that I can get the user by User!UserID.
I then created a new table in SQL to hold the UserID and FranchiseID. I then upadated the orginal dataset that populates the @Franchise parameter to the following:
SELECT franchiseID, franchiseNM
FROM FranchiseUsers
WHERE (UserID = @user)
The @user parameter has a default value of User!UserID.
But here is where I am stumped, I think I need to set the @Franchise parameter's default value to the resultset of the dataset seen above. I just do not know how????
Please advise if I am on the right path, or if there is a better way to do this.
I need to set a parameters default value to the resultset of a dataset within the reports. So here is the scenario:
I have a report that uses a parameter called @Franchise, this is a unique id(FranchiseID) of the user. Right now it is a drop-down list that gets it's values from a data set.
Now the end user would like this to be automated so that the reports will recognize the user and pass the appropriate FranchiseID. So I know that I can get the user by User!UserID.
I then created a new table in SQL to hold the UserID and FranchiseID. I then upadated the orginal dataset that populates the @Franchise parameter to the following:
SELECT franchiseID, franchiseNM
FROM FranchiseUsers
WHERE (UserID = @user)
The @user parameter has a default value of User!UserID.
But here is where I am stumped, I think I need to set the @Franchise parameter's default value to the resultset of the dataset seen above. I just do not know how????
Please advise if I am on the right path, or if there is a better way to do this.