Hi All,
Is it (really) possible to implement true parallel transacions using VB.NET (v3.5 and 2008) and SQL Server 2005?
I've tried various attempts at this but nothing seems to work. In my code I start up 10 instances of a SQLConnection using this connection string:
Whenever I need access to the database I 'take' a connection object from the pool and return it when finished. The application is multi-threaded and watches a Folder for the arrival of CSV Files, and when a file arrives it is sent off on a new thread to be loaded. This of course means that when two or more files arrive I have 2 or more threads running to load them.
However, due to the structure of the CSV files I used three stored procedures to insert the content of the file in to the applicable tables. But no matter what I do, it bitches at some point that parallel transactions aren't supported. Are they? I'm begining to think that I'm wasting my time unless anyone else can share their knowledge; I'd be very greatful.
Is it (really) possible to implement true parallel transacions using VB.NET (v3.5 and 2008) and SQL Server 2005?
I've tried various attempts at this but nothing seems to work. In my code I start up 10 instances of a SQLConnection using this connection string:
m_Connections.Add(New SqlConnection(String.Format("Server=,1433;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=CSVDump;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Pooling=False;WorkStation ID=CSVPool_{1}", m_Config.CSvPools(), P)))
Whenever I need access to the database I 'take' a connection object from the pool and return it when finished. The application is multi-threaded and watches a Folder for the arrival of CSV Files, and when a file arrives it is sent off on a new thread to be loaded. This of course means that when two or more files arrive I have 2 or more threads running to load them.
However, due to the structure of the CSV files I used three stored procedures to insert the content of the file in to the applicable tables. But no matter what I do, it bitches at some point that parallel transactions aren't supported. Are they? I'm begining to think that I'm wasting my time unless anyone else can share their knowledge; I'd be very greatful.