I want to have sales report in cross tab format where the
column I need to show as quarter like Q1, Q2,...and
row I need to show as Years like 1999, 2001...2001....and and middle cells would have '% of Growth Sales'.
Now my problem is that I need to get this sales profit amount comparetively to previos period i.e. for Q2 it would be = (Sales profit of Q1 - Sales profit of Q2) /Sales profit of Q1 and so on.
I dont find any function where I can get this parallet period type reporting. Can anybody help me?
I want to have sales report in cross tab format where the
column I need to show as quarter like Q1, Q2,...and
row I need to show as Years like 1999, 2001...2001....and and middle cells would have '% of Growth Sales'.
Now my problem is that I need to get this sales profit amount comparetively to previos period i.e. for Q2 it would be = (Sales profit of Q1 - Sales profit of Q2) /Sales profit of Q1 and so on.
I dont find any function where I can get this parallet period type reporting. Can anybody help me?