This is the first time that I have used the Paradox tables and am having a little bit of trouble.
A little background about this form and query: when a person is summoned for jury duty, one of the valid reasons for excusal is prior jury service within the last three years. So, I have a form with a DBGrid that lists all the peopled summoned over the last 3 years so the user can check if the person really did serve.
So, I have a query that returns about 33,000 rows, a TBatchMove component that moves all the records to my Paradox DB, a datasource with the table as the source and a DBGrid with the datasource as the source.
Since this is a date sensitive excusal, a person could conceivably be not eligible today, but would be eligible tomorrow. So, in the Form Activate event I am emptying the table and re-filling it if it hasn't already been done for the session. Unfortunately when I empty the table, my Key is gone and the FindNearest doesn't work anymore! I get the error:
'No index is currently active'
Can someone please tell me how to activate the index???
No Rows Returned
A little background about this form and query: when a person is summoned for jury duty, one of the valid reasons for excusal is prior jury service within the last three years. So, I have a form with a DBGrid that lists all the peopled summoned over the last 3 years so the user can check if the person really did serve.
So, I have a query that returns about 33,000 rows, a TBatchMove component that moves all the records to my Paradox DB, a datasource with the table as the source and a DBGrid with the datasource as the source.
Since this is a date sensitive excusal, a person could conceivably be not eligible today, but would be eligible tomorrow. So, in the Form Activate event I am emptying the table and re-filling it if it hasn't already been done for the session. Unfortunately when I empty the table, my Key is gone and the FindNearest doesn't work anymore! I get the error:
'No index is currently active'
Can someone please tell me how to activate the index???
No Rows Returned