I want to display a large photo of the panorama (such as 1872*2816) in a canvas which size is much smaller(such as 500*500).on winows(Win2003/WinXP/Win2000 )built-in image reader, we can see a large photo's panorama via a smaller window,and no use scroll bar.This is what I want to achieve the function.Can somebody help me?Any suggestions will be great appreciated.
package require Img
frame .b
image create photo MyMap -file DSC02537.JPG
canvas .b.c -highlightthickness 0 -width 400 -height 400
.b.c create image 1 1 -anchor nw -image MyMap -tag mymap
.b.c configure -scrollregion [.b.c bbox mymap]
pack .b .b.c -fill both -expand 1
package require Img
frame .b
image create photo MyMap -file DSC02537.JPG
canvas .b.c -highlightthickness 0 -width 400 -height 400
.b.c create image 1 1 -anchor nw -image MyMap -tag mymap
.b.c configure -scrollregion [.b.c bbox mymap]
pack .b .b.c -fill both -expand 1