My Palm V operates on Palm OS 3.3. I want to upgrade to Palm OS 3.5. How can this be done? I can' t find any documents on this issue on the palm website :-(
As I recall I had to buy the mobility update to do this -> originally all software updates were free, but then 3com bought Palm and they changed it so only minor updates were free..... of course, the free upgrades would eventually have stopped sometime no matter what.....
Anyhow, I suspect you may have to fork out some cash at
if you want to upgrade - and that will now upgrade you to 4.1. Frankly, I'd probably look at putting the money towards upgrading to an M515 or (drool) a TungstenC.... The battery in my V (actually an IBM Workpad which is basically a rebadged V) is only keeping about an %80 charge so although I've been very happy with it over the years, I'm starting to eye off replacements......
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