Type "PAG" isn't always the interface you need...for example if you need to enter a paging zone to target one area of a building. In that case, you can use TYPE COT.
Remember in any paging trunk application, set a value for LD16 RDB "TIMR TFD" so some poor sole doesn't forget to disconnect and pages their personal conversation all over the factory floor. TFD 60 is 60 seconds before the page trunk will hang up on its own.
progam the route 1st in ld 16, trunk type wat or cot, at the cntl prompt enter yes, then you can set the tfd to 120.. timed force disconnect 2 minutes.. then build a trunk in 14, all prompts except type, rtmb (route and member) and cls dtn are default.. then dial the acod..
at the targ prompt in 16 enter x1, unless you need to block certain users from using the page
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