I've built the following page which gets input from a search form on another page. I'm getting the following error:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/wakeywakey/dispute.asp, line 156
Line 156 is: disputeSrcRS.Open strSQL3,conn1
I've checked the cursors i'm using, i've included the adovbs include file and i've checked for spelling mistakes. This code works fine in another page. I'm not sure what else it could be. The only other thing i think may be causing a problem is the fact that on this page the server variable "content_length" may already be set to eqaul more than 0 because of the data that has come from the search form whereas on the other page where the code works the only data that is posted comes from the navigation form. I've posted some of the ASP page code below. Its a monster i know. Any body got any Ideas?
Dim conn1, userRS, acSrcRS, disputeSrcRS, strSQL, strSQL2, strSQL3, strConnection
Dim intRecordCount, strForename, strSurname, strAccountNo
Dim strAccessLevel, strLocation, intLastPage, intCurrentPage, intTotalPages, intI
Set conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DSN=wakeywaeky;Database=wakeywaeky;UID=;PWD=;"
conn1.Open strConnection
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE txtUserID = '" & strEnumber & "' "
Set userRS = conn1.Execute(strSQL)
IF userRS.BOF = false AND userRS.EOF = false THEN
strForename = userRS("txtForename")
strSurname = userRS("txtSurname")
strLocation = userRS("txtLocation")
strAccessLevel = userRS("bytAccessLevel")
<%if Request.Form("txtAccount") <> "" Then
strAccountNo = Request.Form("txtAccount")
strSQL2 = "SELECT txtAccountNo FROM tblAccount WHERE txtAccountNo = ' " & strAccountNo & " '"
Set acSrcRS = conn1.Execute(strSQL2)
IF acSrcRS.BOF = false AND acSrcRS.EOF = false THEN
strSQL3 = "SELECT tblDispute.intDisputeID, tblDispute.txtAccountNo, tblAccount.txtAccountName, tblDispute.dtmDateRaised, tblReason.txtReasonDescription, tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID, tblStatus.txtStatusDescription, tblDispute.dtmLastAction FROM tblStatus INNER JOIN (tblReason INNER JOIN (tblAccount INNER JOIN tblDispute ON tblAccount.txtAccountNo = tblDispute.txtAccountNo) ON tblReason.bytReasonCode = tblDispute.bytReasonCode) ON tblStatus.bytStatusCode = tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID WHERE tblDispute.txtAccountNo = ' " & strAccountNo & " ' ORDER BY tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID"
strSrcType = "Account"
strSrcValue = strAccountNo
End If
set acSrcRS = nothing
strAccountNo = Request.Form("txtAccount")
Response.Write("Account <font style=""text-transform:uppercase""><b>" & strAccountNo & " </b></font>is not in the traffic plan.<br><br>If the account number is correct please contact an administrator for <a href=""help.asp"" target=_blank>help</a>.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>")
End If
Const intPageSize = 3
If Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") = 0 Then
intCurrentPage = 1
intCurrentPage = CInt(Request.Form("CurrentPage"))
intLastPage = CInt(Request.Form("LastPage"))
Select Case Request.Form("Submit")
Case "Previous"
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage - 1
Case "Next"
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage + 1
Case "First"
intCurrentPage = 1
Case "Last"
intCurrentPage = intLastPage
End Select
End If
Set disputeSrcRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
disputeSrcRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
disputeSrcRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
disputeSrcRS.CacheSize = intPageSize
disputeSrcRS.Open strSQL3,conn1
IF disputeSrcRS.BOF = false AND disputeSrcRS.EOF = false THEN
disputeSrcRS.pageSize = intPageSize
If Not(disputeSrcRS.EOF) Then disputeSrcRS.AbsolutePage = intCurrentPage
intTotalPages = disputeSrcRS.PageCount
<table width="100%" border="0">
<%For intI = 1 to disputeSrcRS.PageSize%>
<td width="50%" colspan ="2" valign = "Top" bgcolor="#262626">
<b>Dispute ID: </b><%=disputeSrcRS("intDisputeID")%>
<td width="50%" valign = "Top">
<b>Account:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtAccountNo")%>, <%=disputeSrcRS("txtAccountName")%><br>
<b>Date Raised:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("dtmDateRaised")%><br>
<b>Reason:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtReasonDescription")%>
<b>Current Status:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtStatusDescription")%>
<b>Last Action:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("dtmLastAction")%>
<td width="50%" valign = "Top">
<form action="history.asp" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="<%=disputeSrcRS("intDisputeID")%>" name="txtDispute">
<input type="button" value="View History" name="Submit">
If disputeSrcRS.EOF Then Exit For
<td colspan ="2">Page <%= intCurrentPage%> of <%=intTotalPages%></td></tr>
<td colspan="2">
<form action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="CurrentPage" value="<%=intCurrentPage%>">
<input type="hidden" name="LastPage" value="<%=intTotalPages%>">
<% If intCurrentPage >2 Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="First">
<%End If%>
<% If intCurrentPage >1 Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Previous">
End If
If intCurrentPage <> intTotalPages Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Next">
<%End If%>
<%If intCurrentPage < intTotalPages Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Last">
<% End If %>
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/wakeywakey/dispute.asp, line 156
Line 156 is: disputeSrcRS.Open strSQL3,conn1
I've checked the cursors i'm using, i've included the adovbs include file and i've checked for spelling mistakes. This code works fine in another page. I'm not sure what else it could be. The only other thing i think may be causing a problem is the fact that on this page the server variable "content_length" may already be set to eqaul more than 0 because of the data that has come from the search form whereas on the other page where the code works the only data that is posted comes from the navigation form. I've posted some of the ASP page code below. Its a monster i know. Any body got any Ideas?
Dim conn1, userRS, acSrcRS, disputeSrcRS, strSQL, strSQL2, strSQL3, strConnection
Dim intRecordCount, strForename, strSurname, strAccountNo
Dim strAccessLevel, strLocation, intLastPage, intCurrentPage, intTotalPages, intI
Set conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DSN=wakeywaeky;Database=wakeywaeky;UID=;PWD=;"
conn1.Open strConnection
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE txtUserID = '" & strEnumber & "' "
Set userRS = conn1.Execute(strSQL)
IF userRS.BOF = false AND userRS.EOF = false THEN
strForename = userRS("txtForename")
strSurname = userRS("txtSurname")
strLocation = userRS("txtLocation")
strAccessLevel = userRS("bytAccessLevel")
<%if Request.Form("txtAccount") <> "" Then
strAccountNo = Request.Form("txtAccount")
strSQL2 = "SELECT txtAccountNo FROM tblAccount WHERE txtAccountNo = ' " & strAccountNo & " '"
Set acSrcRS = conn1.Execute(strSQL2)
IF acSrcRS.BOF = false AND acSrcRS.EOF = false THEN
strSQL3 = "SELECT tblDispute.intDisputeID, tblDispute.txtAccountNo, tblAccount.txtAccountName, tblDispute.dtmDateRaised, tblReason.txtReasonDescription, tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID, tblStatus.txtStatusDescription, tblDispute.dtmLastAction FROM tblStatus INNER JOIN (tblReason INNER JOIN (tblAccount INNER JOIN tblDispute ON tblAccount.txtAccountNo = tblDispute.txtAccountNo) ON tblReason.bytReasonCode = tblDispute.bytReasonCode) ON tblStatus.bytStatusCode = tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID WHERE tblDispute.txtAccountNo = ' " & strAccountNo & " ' ORDER BY tblDispute.bytCurrentStatusID"
strSrcType = "Account"
strSrcValue = strAccountNo
End If
set acSrcRS = nothing
strAccountNo = Request.Form("txtAccount")
Response.Write("Account <font style=""text-transform:uppercase""><b>" & strAccountNo & " </b></font>is not in the traffic plan.<br><br>If the account number is correct please contact an administrator for <a href=""help.asp"" target=_blank>help</a>.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>")
End If
Const intPageSize = 3
If Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") = 0 Then
intCurrentPage = 1
intCurrentPage = CInt(Request.Form("CurrentPage"))
intLastPage = CInt(Request.Form("LastPage"))
Select Case Request.Form("Submit")
Case "Previous"
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage - 1
Case "Next"
intCurrentPage = intCurrentPage + 1
Case "First"
intCurrentPage = 1
Case "Last"
intCurrentPage = intLastPage
End Select
End If
Set disputeSrcRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
disputeSrcRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
disputeSrcRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
disputeSrcRS.CacheSize = intPageSize
disputeSrcRS.Open strSQL3,conn1
IF disputeSrcRS.BOF = false AND disputeSrcRS.EOF = false THEN
disputeSrcRS.pageSize = intPageSize
If Not(disputeSrcRS.EOF) Then disputeSrcRS.AbsolutePage = intCurrentPage
intTotalPages = disputeSrcRS.PageCount
<table width="100%" border="0">
<%For intI = 1 to disputeSrcRS.PageSize%>
<td width="50%" colspan ="2" valign = "Top" bgcolor="#262626">
<b>Dispute ID: </b><%=disputeSrcRS("intDisputeID")%>
<td width="50%" valign = "Top">
<b>Account:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtAccountNo")%>, <%=disputeSrcRS("txtAccountName")%><br>
<b>Date Raised:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("dtmDateRaised")%><br>
<b>Reason:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtReasonDescription")%>
<b>Current Status:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("txtStatusDescription")%>
<b>Last Action:</b> <%=disputeSrcRS("dtmLastAction")%>
<td width="50%" valign = "Top">
<form action="history.asp" method="post">
<input type="hidden" value="<%=disputeSrcRS("intDisputeID")%>" name="txtDispute">
<input type="button" value="View History" name="Submit">
If disputeSrcRS.EOF Then Exit For
<td colspan ="2">Page <%= intCurrentPage%> of <%=intTotalPages%></td></tr>
<td colspan="2">
<form action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="CurrentPage" value="<%=intCurrentPage%>">
<input type="hidden" name="LastPage" value="<%=intTotalPages%>">
<% If intCurrentPage >2 Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="First">
<%End If%>
<% If intCurrentPage >1 Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Previous">
End If
If intCurrentPage <> intTotalPages Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Next">
<%End If%>
<%If intCurrentPage < intTotalPages Then %>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Last">
<% End If %>