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Paging on IPO 1

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Technical User
Oct 2, 2003
We have been fooling with this for about a week. We just put in an IP Office 500V2. The customer had an existing Bogen TBA-15 amp with a speaker. We have the paging coming out of the IP Office as an analog trunk. It's hooked up to a TAMB2 W/Power. When we get on the TAMB2's input we can talk. Same with the output, but when we hook up the TBA-15 we can't make a page. We can hear the speaker but we can't seize the amp to make a page. Anyone else have the same problem?

Make sure the TAMB is set for loop start.
Put the trunk port in a outgoing line group. (I always use 10)

Then create code.

code = *60
feature = Dial
Telepohone number = leave blank
Line group ID = 10 ( or what ever you use for the trunk)
Locale = leave blank

Thanks for the info. We do have it configured like 1043 suggests.
We are going to try and isolate the AMP and see if it may be toast.
Our Paging system uses an analog extension. One of the Analog attributes of the extension (equipment classification). is set to "Paging Speaker".
you can also throw away the TAMB and use a WMT1A (matching transformer) instead and connect the 600 Ohm side to the extension port (set to paging speaker) and the other side to the input of the Bogen Amp, that is you have an analog port available.
I have not a whole lot of luck with the TAM-B's and carry the WMT1A instead as paging has only 2 interfaces, high impedance and low impedance and if they don't match use the WMT1A to make them fit. They are also cheap, ehm I mean they are economical :)

Joe W.

FHandw, ACSS
Try analog Ext set-up as IVR Port. Works at one site I had with a Bogen

It's only dialtone!!!
Hey Joe, I tried the WMT1A out today on an install and couldn't get it working (client has a Bogen TPU-250). The manual it comes with leaves a little to the imagination. Do you connect the POT port tip/ring to the outer 600 ohm screws? I tried this with no success. The middle screw is labeled CT, but I have no idea what that is and again it is not addressed on the set-up guide.

I do have the IPO set to paging port. When I tried dialing the short code, I just got a busy signal/not obtainable.

I ended up using a Bogen UTI1 for this client and it worked fine, but the cost of the WMT1A is very attractive if it can indeed work. Let me know if I missed something simple or was using the wrong connections. Thanks.
Keep the TAMB-2 - use an analog extension - follow the programming procedures in the manual - and it will work.

Bogen Tech Support is excellent - call them if the above fails (I call them all the time because I suck at this)
Telecomboy, the CT terminal is the common terminal, you hook up to this and one of the outer terminals. Then you can either use the RCA plug or connect another wire to the CT and other outer terminal and the other end into the amp.

Thanks Jeff. I figured there was something I was missing with the connections. And I am an idiot for not figuring CT to stand for common terminal. Anyway, I will give that a try on my next paging install. Thanks.
Actually, in the commercial sound world, CT stands for center tap. It is a connection on the halfway point on one of the windings. For this application you should not have to use it. The outer screw terms would go to your trunk or station on the IPO, the phono plug would go to an aux or hi-level input on your amp
Andy, that's exactly what I did. The outer terminals went to the IPO and the phono plug went to the input of the amp. Nothing came through so I figured I had it wrong. I tried with both a station port as well as a trunk port. Neither worked. I couldn't hear it coming through using a butt set either.

Once I traded it out with the UTI1, it worked fine.
Glad to hear you got it working. Probably the level was too low for the WMT, the UTI1 has plenty of gain. Best to price out the job with a UTI and try the WMT at install. Can't go wrong with Bogen...
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