When paging data, and displaying Next/Previous links - from a usability standpoint where should those links be placed? Above the data, below the data, perhaps both?
I know there is a debate on the usability of even having next/previous paging - (ie AJAX scrolling via a LiveGrid type grid). I'm already dismissing the idea - I do NOT want to rely on JavaScript for functionality, as it can be turned off. I'm not opposed to JavaScript to enhance functionality, but it needs to degrade gracefully. This leaves me with either loading ALL the records (not going to happen as it's a rather large dataset), or using a paging method - you can see which I chose.
So - usability-wise, where should the links go?
I know there is a debate on the usability of even having next/previous paging - (ie AJAX scrolling via a LiveGrid type grid). I'm already dismissing the idea - I do NOT want to rely on JavaScript for functionality, as it can be turned off. I'm not opposed to JavaScript to enhance functionality, but it needs to degrade gracefully. This leaves me with either loading ALL the records (not going to happen as it's a rather large dataset), or using a paging method - you can see which I chose.
So - usability-wise, where should the links go?